Anti aging cream from Cannabis Bake House. Very nice product, does what its says! my face is brighter and looks younger.
I also used the day and night cream from Cannabis Bake House, Both cream have a nice smell and it absorbs very quickly. I feel my face get brighter and feel fresh! It has the spf 15, so no need to add another spf cream, at least not in the summertime.
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What our customers say
I really liked it. I think my face is softer now. I took photos, one from two weeks ago and a recent one and put them side by side. I can see the difference!
Customer from the Netherlands
All Mr Maka products are fragrance free. So nice! Especially if you, like me, get a headache from all kinds of daily (perfume) smells.
CBD sport eye gel: wonderful product, feels cold and fresh. For tired eyes, this is very nice!